Detect exosomes
Not dye aggregates

Explore Biotium's line of validated ExoBrite™ stains and antibodies designed for optimal detection of purified or bead-bound EVs by flow cytometry.


ExoBrite 515_540 True Membrane PKH combined-01

Flow cytometry and fNTA analysis of SEC purified MCF-7-derived EVs stained with ExoBrite™ 515/540 True EV Membrane Stain and PKH67.


ExoBrite™ True EV Membrane Stains:  Membrane dyes for pan-EV labeling designed as a superior alternative to PKH, DiO, DiI, and DiD

biotium-blue-checkmark-1ExoBrite™ Annexin V, CTB, and WGA  conjugates optimized for bright and sensitive EV staining.

biotium-blue-checkmark-1ExoBrite™ CD9, CD63, and CD81  antibodies validated for detection of EVs by flow or western.

biotium-blue-checkmark-1ExoBrite™ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads  for low background and highly sensitive EV capture.

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